As a pioneer in developing advanced technologies for performing minimally invasive gynecologic surgeries, Olympus has actively led the way in promoting laparoscopic hysterectomy and laparo-endoscopic single site (LESS) hysterectomy for female patients. Dedicated to partnering with gynecologic surgeons in order to advance women’s health across the continuum of care, from office to operating room, our mission as a full-service organization is to meet your need for reliable, cost-effective, and innovative clinical solutions and to provide the essential training needed for evaluating and treating women with a wide range of gynecologic conditions. For over two decades, Olympus has provided specialized products for the GYN surgeon to ensure that their surgical experience is satisfying and to deliver life-saving and life-enhancing, quality patient care.
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Office Solutions
Olympus is a full-service partner in the office with diagnostic products including ultra-slim hysteroscopes with superior visualization, best-in-class rigid hysteroscopes, and multi-functional colposcopes designed to maximize your time and efficiency. These products are complemented by our wide range of office hysteroscopy disposables that have been designed for optimal procedural workflow. With over two decades of history in creating specialized products for the GYN surgeon as ACMI/Gyrus and Olympus, we remain dedicated and even more focused on your needs more than ever before.
OR Solutions
Offering product portfolios in hysteroscopic and laparoscopic specialties with the use of universal energy and imaging platforms, Olympus is a full-service provider meeting your diverse operating needs. For your operative hysteroscopic needs, our Plasma Hysteroscopic Resection and Vaporization System provides clear vision with controlled, precise and quick tissue removal. Combined with the HysteroFlow/HysteroBalance™ II Fluid Management System, Olympus provides a perfectly integrated solution for hysteroscopic resection.
Additionally, Olympus offers a first-of-its-kind Contained Tissue Extraction System for laparoscopic hysterectomy and myomectomy. Combining the PneumoLiner™ containment device and the next-generation laparoscopic PK Morcellator, surgeons can return to minimally invasive surgical approaches in select patients.