Retrieval Products

Stone Retrieval
Retrieval Products
Olympus retrieval products deliver precise control and versatile performance, helping to simplify stone removal while minimizing patient trauma, reducing procedure times, and improving patient outcomes. The broad array of Olympus retrieval products are designed to meet the unique challenges presented by each patient and each case. Olympus retrieval products include: Ultra-Catch NT Nitinol Baskets, X-Catch NT Nitinol Baskets, Sur-Catch® Cross Paired Stone Baskets, SurLok® Flat-Wire Stone Baskets, SurLok® Helical Stone Basket and SurLok® Grasping Forceps.
Product Support
Olympus Training & Proper Use
Olympus Continuum, is a comprehensive platform of education and training experiences led by healthcare experts from around the world. Learning opportunities include hands-on courses, online learning, lectures and workshops, peer-to-peer training, accredited continuing education, and on-demand learning.
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