Spiration® Valve System
The Spiration Valve System is an innovative endobronchial therapy that offers patients with severe emphysema a customized, minimally invasive treatment option for lung volume reduction with a favorable risk-benefit profile. Patients treated with the Spiration Valve System in clinical trials experienced improvements in breathlessness, lung function, and quality of life.1

Management of
Prolonged Air Leaks
A feasible and safe approach that may favorably affect the course of patients with post-pulmonary resection air leaks.2

Treatment of
Severe Emphysema
An innovative endobronchial valve therapy that improves lung function, reduces shortness of breath, and restores quality of life for patients suffering from severe emphysema.1
Treating Physicians
Referring Physicians
Allied Professionals
- Criner GJ et al., 2019 Improving Lung Function in Severe Heterogenous Emphysema with the Spiration® Valve System (EMPROVE): A mliticenter, Open-Label, Randomized, Controlled Trial. Am J Respir Crit Care Med, 2019. https://doi.org/10.1164/rccm.201902-0383OC
- Abu-Hijleh M, Styrvoky K, Anand V, et al. lntrabronchial Valves for Air Leaks After Lobectomy, Segmentectomy, and Lung Volume Reduction Surgery. Lung, 2019: 197, 627-633.