4K Surgical OR

- Learn which components will need to be upgraded for 4K UHD conversion
- Maximize your value while minimizing your costs
- Discover the value of 4K UHD in surgery and how it will enhance your O.R. staff's experience
- Understand the three technologies that make 4K UHD so remarkable and the one thing you must do now

that created 4K UHD™

Here's Who We Are & What We Believe
Olympus and Sony recognized that in order to push past the limits of innovation it was necessary to truly integrate the best technology from sensors, lens, consumer, broadcast and medical technology to achieve true clinical significance.
Working together, there are over 150 engineers in a Silicon Valley-style think tank each with the sole purpose of merging 100 years of technology from Sony with Olympus medical expertise to deliver the future of healthcare technology.
The SOMED mission is to take the best and latest in Sony consumer and broadcast technology and combine them with the Olympus expertise in medical applications to push the boundaries of what is possible in surgery and revolutionize healthcare.