ChanlDry™ Endoscope Drying Cabinet
bacterial growth
Drying is a crucial step in infection prevention.
nosocomial infection as cleaning and high-level disinfection.”6
Inadequate drying of endoscope channels is a possible cause of microbial proliferation during storage.5

A continuous flow of air through endoscope channels helps eliminate moisture needed for bacterial growth.
ChanlDry features two independent filtered air flow cycles that distribute air:
- Around the outside of endoscopes
- Through endoscope channels
Does your endoscope storage meet society standards?
- AORN: Flexible endoscopes should be stored in a drying cabinet.1
- CDC: Drying the endoscope is essential to greatly reduce the chance of recontamination of the endoscope by microorganisms that can be present in the rinse water.2
- SGNA: Endoscopes must be stored in an area that is clean, well-ventilated and dust-free in order to keep the endoscopes dry and free of microbial contamination.3
- AAMI: The endoscope should be hung vertically with the distal tip hanging freely in a well-ventilated, clean area, following the endoscope manufacturer’s written IFU for storage.4
Filter Efficiencies
Cabinet HEPA | Removes 99.97% of air particulates up to 0.3µm |
Compressed Air Filters | Removes 99.97% of air particulates up to 0.01µm |
Flexible Cabinet Design

Powder-coated steel
Constructed of durable metal with a special rust-proof, antibacterial coating
Stainless Steel
Constructed of non-porous, rust-resistant stainless steel that is easy-to-clean
Pass-through option
Available for facilities that would like to separate reprocessing and storage environments
Optional Compressor
Convenient air option when hospital-provided air is not available. To ensure optimal performance, preventative maintenance is required with this option.
Easy-to-Use Air Connectors
Quick Connect Air Manifold Provides easy-to-reach connections to endoscope channels
truConnect Clip Features a simple squeeze-and-release mechanism enabling quick, accurate connections from endoscope channels to the manifold
Controlled Air Output Regulates air flow to a maximum 25 PSI output, ensuring sensitive endoscope channels will be dried without being damaged
Pressure-Relief Valve Protects delicate endoscope channels from damage
See the truConnect IFU or a complete list of available connectors.
Cabinet Upgrades
- PCSExtension: Powder Coated Steel Extension with Steps
- STNExtension: Stainless Steel Extension with Steps
- KeylessEnt2DR: Electronic Keyless Entry
- EUS Holder: Holder for EUS scopes

Keyless Lock

EUS Holder
- Lockerhepafilter: Cabinet HEPA Filter
- ScopeDrySVC: 6 month compressor filter kit

Cabinet HEPA Filter
ChanlDry connectors are compatible with most flexible GI scopes, including colonoscopes, bronchoscopes, EUS scopes, duodenoscopes, gastroscopes, and enteroscopes.
- AORN Guideline For Processing Flexible Endoscopes -Revised February 2016 for publication in Guidelines for Perioperative Practice, 2016 edition.
- Guideline for Disinfection and Sterilization in Healthcare Facilities, 2008. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (page 16).
- Society of Gastroenterology Nurses and Associates, Inc. (SGNA) - Standards of Infection Prevention in Reprocessing of Flexible Gastrointestinal Endoscopes, 2015 ed.
- ANSI/AAMI ST91:2015 Flexible and semi-rigid endoscope processing in health care facilities
- Endoscope Drying/Storage Cabinet: Interest and Efficacy,
- Kovaleva J. Endoscope drying and its pitfalls. J Hosp Infect. 2017;97:319-328.