Plan Now, Save Later:
Explore the Future of O.R. Safety
Olympus offers solutions that help protect patients and the staff that cares for them.

Examples of Safe Patient Handling Cost Savings

Live Demo at AORN:
Olympus invites you to visit booth #1453 for a LIVE demo on Safe Patient Handling and O.R. Safety Solutions and pick up your CE study guide!
Join us for a patient handling demo of the integrated O.R. Patient Lift, learn how to create a safer operating environment for surgical staff with K “Lights-On Laparoscopy” and discover how to reduce the exposure of harmful smoke with our Automatic Smoke Evacuation through our live presentations.

Clinical References
1. Stenger, K., L.A. Montgomery, and E. Briesemeister. 2007. Creating a culture of change through implementation of a safe patient handling program.
Critical Care Nursing Clinics of North America. 19(2): 213-222.
2. Yordy, A. 2011. Case study: Sacred Heart Medical Center. The Hastings Center Report. 41(1): 25-26, 52.
See assembly.state.ny.us/comm WorkPlaceSafe/20110527a/index.pdf
3. Celona, J., E. Hall, and J. Forte. Making a business case for safe handling. Presented at the 2010 West Coast Safe Patient Handling and Movement Conference. September 2010; San Diego, California. As cited in: Gallagher, S. M., W. Charney, and L.D. McGinley. 2010. Clinical nursing education series: Rethinking lift teams. Bariatric Times. 7(11): 18-23.
4. Lancman, R., K. L. T. Wright, and R. Gottfried. 2011. Safe Patient Handling in New York: Short Term Costs Yield Long Term Results.
5. Nelson, A., M. Matz, F. Chen, K. Siddharthan, J. Lloyd, and G. Fragala. 2006. Development and evaluation of a multifaceted ergonomics program to prevent injuries associated with patient handling tasks. International Journal of Nursing Studies. 43: 717-733.
6. Siddharthan, K., A. Nelson, H. Tiesman, and F. Chen. 2005. Cost-effectiveness of a multifaceted program for safe patient handling. Advances in Patient Safety: From Research to Implementation. 05-0021-1(3): 347-358.